In this vignette, we will show how to build neural network
architectures as mlr3pipelines::Graphs
s. We will create a
simple CNN for the tiny-imagenet task, which is a subset of well-known
Imagenet benchmark.
imagenet = tsk("tiny_imagenet")
#> <TaskClassif:tiny_imagenet> (110000 x 2): ImageNet Subset
#> * Target: class
#> * Properties: multiclass
#> * Features (1):
#> - lt (1): image
The central ingredients for creating such graphs are
To mark the entry-point of the neural network, we use a
, for which three different flavors
for numeric data -
for categorical columns -
Because the imagenet task contains only one feature of type
, we go for the last option:
architecture = po("torch_ingress_ltnsr")
We now define a relatively simple convolutional neural network. Note
that in the code below po("nn_relu_1")
is equivalent to
po("nn_relu", id = "nn_linear_1")
. This is needed, because
s require that each PipeOp
has a unique ID.
What we can further notice is that we don’t have to specify the input
dimension for the convolutional layers, which are inferred from the task
during $train()
ing. This means that our
can be applied to tasks with different image sizes,
each time building up the correct network structure.
architecture = architecture %>>%
po("nn_conv2d_1", out_channels = 64, kernel_size = 11, stride = 4, padding = 2) %>>%
po("nn_relu_1", inplace = TRUE) %>>%
po("nn_max_pool2d_1", kernel_size = 3, stride = 2) %>>%
po("nn_conv2d_2", out_channels = 192, kernel_size = 5, padding = 2) %>>%
po("nn_relu_2", inplace = TRUE) %>>%
po("nn_max_pool2d_2", kernel_size = 3, stride = 2)
We can now continue with specifying the classification part of the network, which is a dense network that repeats a layer twice:
In order to repeat a segment from a network multiple times, we can
use po("nn_block")
, which we here repeat twice. Then, we
follow with the output head of the network, where we don’t have to
specify the number of classes, as they can also be inferred from the
Next, we can combine the convolutional part with the dense head:
Below, we display the network:
architecture$plot(html = TRUE)
To turn this network architecture into an mlr3::Learner
what is left to do is to configure the loss, optimizer, callbacks, and
training arguments, which we do now: We use the standard cross-entropy
loss, SGD as the optimizer and checkpoint our model every 20 epochs.
checkpoint = tempfile()
architecture = architecture %>>%
po("torch_loss", t_loss("cross_entropy")) %>>%
po("torch_optimizer", t_opt("sgd", lr=0.01)) %>>%
t_clbk("checkpoint", freq = 20, path = checkpoint)) %>>%
batch_size = 32, epochs = 100L, device = "cuda")
cnn = as_learner(architecture)
cnn$id = "cnn"
This created Learner
now exposes all configuration
options of the individual PipeOp
s in its
, from which we show only a subset for
readability:$param_set)[c(32, 34, 42), 1:4]
#> id class lower upper
#> <char> <char> <num> <num>
#> 1: nn_block.n_blocks ParamInt 1 Inf
#> 2: nn_block.nn_dropout.inplace ParamLgl NA NA
#> 3: ParamDbl 0 Inf
We can still change them, or if we wanted to, even tune them! Below, we increase the number of blocks and latent dimension of the dense part, as well as change the learning rate of the SGD optimizer.
nn_block.n_blocks = 4L,
nn_block.nn_linear.out_features = 4096 * 2, = 0.2
Finally, we train the learner on the task: