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This wraps a torch::nn_loss and annotates it with metadata, most importantly a ParamSet. The loss function is created for the given parameter values by calling the $generate() method.

This class is usually used to configure the loss function of a torch learner, e.g. when construcing a learner or in a ModelDescriptor.

For a list of available losses, see mlr3torch_losses. Items from this dictionary can be retrieved using t_loss().


Defined by the constructor argument param_set. If no parameter set is provided during construction, the parameter set is constructed by creating a parameter for each argument of the wrapped loss function, where the parametes are then of type ParamUty.

Super class

mlr3torch::TorchDescriptor -> TorchLoss

Public fields


The task types this loss supports.


Inherited methods

Method new()

Creates a new instance of this R6 class.


  task_types = NULL,
  param_set = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  packages = NULL,
  man = NULL



The loss module.


The task types supported by this loss.


(ParamSet or NULL)
The parameter set. If NULL (default) it is inferred from torch_loss.


The id for of the new object.


Label for the new instance.


The R packages this object depends on.


String in the format [pkg]::[topic] pointing to a manual page for this object. The referenced help package can be opened via method $help().

Method print()

Prints the object






Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


TorchLoss$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


# Create a new torch loss
torch_loss = TorchLoss$new(torch_loss = nn_mse_loss, task_types = "regr")
#> <TorchLoss:nn_mse_loss> nn_mse_loss
#> * Generator: nn_mse_loss
#> * Parameters: list()
#> * Packages: torch,mlr3torch
#> * Task Types: regr
# the parameters are inferred
#> <ParamSet(1)>
#>           id    class lower upper nlevels        default  value
#>       <char>   <char> <num> <num>   <num>         <list> <list>
#> 1: reduction ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]> [NULL]

# Retrieve a loss from the dictionary:
torch_loss = t_loss("mse", reduction = "mean")
# is the same as
#> <TorchLoss:mse> Mean Squared Error
#> * Generator: nn_mse_loss
#> * Parameters: reduction=mean
#> * Packages: torch,mlr3torch
#> * Task Types: regr
#> <ParamSet(1)>
#>           id    class lower upper nlevels default  value
#>       <char>   <char> <num> <num>   <num>  <list> <list>
#> 1: reduction ParamFct    NA    NA       2    mean   mean
#> [1] "Mean Squared Error"
#> [1] "regr"
#> [1] "mse"

# Create the loss function
loss_fn = torch_loss$generate()
#> An `nn_module` containing 0 parameters.
# Is the same as
nn_mse_loss(reduction = "mean")
#> An `nn_module` containing 0 parameters.

# open the help page of the wrapped loss function
# torch_loss$help()

# Use in a learner
learner = lrn("regr.mlp", loss = t_loss("mse"))
# The parameters of the loss are added to the learner's parameter set
#> <ParamSetCollection(36)>
#>                      id    class lower upper nlevels        default
#>                  <char>   <char> <num> <num>   <num>         <list>
#>  1:              epochs ParamInt 0e+00   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#>  2:              device ParamFct    NA    NA      12 <NoDefault[0]>
#>  3:         num_threads ParamInt 1e+00   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#>  4: num_interop_threads ParamInt 1e+00   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#>  5:                seed ParamInt  -Inf   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#>  6:           jit_trace ParamLgl    NA    NA       2 <NoDefault[0]>
#>  7:           eval_freq ParamInt 1e+00   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#>  8:      measures_train ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#>  9:      measures_valid ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 10:            patience ParamInt 0e+00   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 11:           min_delta ParamDbl 0e+00   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 12:          batch_size ParamInt 1e+00   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 13:             shuffle ParamLgl    NA    NA       2          FALSE
#> 14:             sampler ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 15:       batch_sampler ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 16:         num_workers ParamInt 0e+00   Inf     Inf              0
#> 17:          collate_fn ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf         [NULL]
#> 18:          pin_memory ParamLgl    NA    NA       2          FALSE
#> 19:           drop_last ParamLgl    NA    NA       2          FALSE
#> 20:             timeout ParamDbl  -Inf   Inf     Inf             -1
#> 21:      worker_init_fn ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 22:      worker_globals ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 23:     worker_packages ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 24:      tensor_dataset ParamFct    NA    NA       1 <NoDefault[0]>
#> 25:             neurons ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 26:                   p ParamDbl 0e+00 1e+00     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 27:            n_layers ParamInt 1e+00   Inf     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 28:          activation ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 29:     activation_args ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 30:               shape ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf <NoDefault[0]>
#> 31:     ParamDbl 0e+00   Inf     Inf          0.001
#> 32:           opt.betas ParamUty    NA    NA     Inf    0.900,0.999
#> 33:             opt.eps ParamDbl 1e-16 1e-04     Inf          1e-08
#> 34:    opt.weight_decay ParamDbl 0e+00 1e+00     Inf              0
#> 35:         opt.amsgrad ParamLgl    NA    NA       2          FALSE
#> 36:      loss.reduction ParamFct    NA    NA       2           mean
#>                      id    class lower upper nlevels        default
#>            value
#>           <list>
#>  1:       [NULL]
#>  2:         auto
#>  3:            1
#>  4:            1
#>  5:       random
#>  6:        FALSE
#>  7:            1
#>  8:    <list[0]>
#>  9:    <list[0]>
#> 10:            0
#> 11:            0
#> 12:       [NULL]
#> 13:         TRUE
#> 14:       [NULL]
#> 15:       [NULL]
#> 16:       [NULL]
#> 17:       [NULL]
#> 18:       [NULL]
#> 19:       [NULL]
#> 20:       [NULL]
#> 21:       [NULL]
#> 22:       [NULL]
#> 23:       [NULL]
#> 24:        FALSE
#> 25:             
#> 26:          0.5
#> 27:       [NULL]
#> 28: <nn_relu[1]>
#> 29:    <list[0]>
#> 30:       [NULL]
#> 31:       [NULL]
#> 32:       [NULL]
#> 33:       [NULL]
#> 34:       [NULL]
#> 35:       [NULL]
#> 36:       [NULL]
#>            value